Thursday, March 18, 2010

Get Your Mind Right

"Get your mind right!" How do you do this? This is a question asked by many. There were often times when I wanted someone to just give me all the answers to "how I should live my life." After almost 40 years, it donned on me that what I was struggling for was a place in this world where I had a comfortable fit. The saying, "Get in where you fit in!" comes to mind. The answer became suddenly clear just like Dorothy clicking her heels in the last few minutes of The Wizard of Oz - I am already there!

Our experiences may be difficult at times, but they are necessary for shaping our lives. I wish I was like Glenda the good witch. I could wave my wand and give you all the answers to why you experience difficult times. While I don't have any magical devices to wish all the hurt and pain that has entered your life away. I do have a simple thought - "Change your mind to change your life."

Every aspect of your life starts with your mindset. Like the saying goes, "If you think you can or can't - you're right!" At the tender age of five, my mother took my siblings and myself out to the back yard near our old garage and we had a ceremonial burial of the word CAN'T! This was a forbidden word in our home. We were taught that we could do anything that we "set our minds" to do. Although these words may have not been uttered from my mouth, my mind always sabotaged my steps to getting towards my greater good.

Now, I am enjoying transforming my mind to believing that anything and everything is possible. One hundred years ago, people would have laughed at you if you would have told them that a day would come when they would be able to communicate to people around the world in a matter of seconds with a simple E-mail. But here we are today, shuttling information back and forth in a matter of nano-seconds. This all started in some one's mind. So why is it so far fetched to believe that every day can be a happy day. Why can't you believe you can achieve any dream?

Today, let go of your fear and beliefs of yesterday. Start right now with reprogramming your mind to achieve your wildest dreams. Look forward to that African safari or building your dream home. Begin today with starting your own business or writing your book. Move all the "False Evidence Appearing Real" out of your mind and begin to live your greatest life!


Peace and Blessings

Shawnna Sims
Host of And Then Some

Friday, March 12, 2010

Forgiveness the Gift that keeps on Giving

I once heard someone say that "Unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die." Why are we so bent on keeping people on the eternal hook of public opinion? Is it really any of our business about their transgressions?

Today I encourage you to let go of the past hurts and realize that people do things that hurt others for many reasons. To say that they are right in their display of judgement lacking skills, would totally be irresponsible. However, when do we remove the "Scarlett Letter" of shame?

I have done my part in hurting others and being hurt due to lack of understanding and immaturity. However, there was a pivotal moment when I realized that letting go of all the hurt was the only way to release myself of the self-deprecating hurt that propelled within me. As I sat and wrote, I began to regain a sense of who I truly am. I was able to let go of the undeserving bitterness and pain.

You must be thinking that "it's easier said than done." Actually, the hard part was staying unforgiving. Once I made up my mind to let go and let God, everything became easy again for me. So do yourself a favor and act on forgiveness.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

9 Positive Attributes for Change

  1. Be prepared

  2. Be able to Prioritize

  3. Become Knowledgeable

  4. Be Flexible

  5. Be Entrepreneurial

  6. Be Self Motivated

  7. Be Ethical

  8. Have a Willing Spirit

  9. Have a Winning Spirit

Today is always a great time to follow your dreams! Your current situation does not have to dictate your final destination.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Learning to Love Yourself

  1. Begin with a clean slate - Clean your house, your mind, and negative people out of your way. It is so much easier to concentrate and rebuild when you start FRESH.
  2. Establish new daily routines that work for you. If you need alone time to collect your thoughts - establish alone time. Mark it as an appointment in your planner. When you plan, it creates a course for the day. Stick by your appointment with yourself as if it was an important business meeting - after all it is!
  3. List your accomplishments - from birth to today - that make you feel proud. Re-visit this list often. It is never too late to add to your list or build a list. In fact, I will help you number one on your list - I have mastered reading. Now that's awesome!
  4. Write forgiveness letters. The beginning, middle and ending of loving you is with FORGIVENESS. Write a letter to your old-self and any other person who has hurt you in the past. Also write letters of apology to ask for forgiveness if you have ever hurt someone. This should be done whether the person is living or not. Apologize, Forgive and let it go!
  5. Create your own ten commandments. This list will serve as your moral compass.
  6. Create a List of Values. Your values are the things that you value. The first value should be YOU! You can only find true value in anything or anyone else if you value yourself first!
  7. Create your Happiness List (Bucket List). These are a list of things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime. Today is always the right time to start toward happiness.

When you learn to love yourself fully, you will find that life is a BALL!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Success Principles

9 Success principles: Setting yourself up for success!

1. Know who you are
2. Shift your thinking to that of a winner
3. Set up your environment to WIN!
4. Form new habits to help you win.
5. Faith (Fake) it until you make it.
6. Make a plan - Visualize and set goals.
7. Educate yourself.
8. Pray and Meditate
9. Give!

Monday, January 18, 2010

And Then Some - Goals

On Saturday, January 16, 2010, And Then Some debuted on I would like to thank everyone who joined me on the first show.