Friday, March 12, 2010

Forgiveness the Gift that keeps on Giving

I once heard someone say that "Unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die." Why are we so bent on keeping people on the eternal hook of public opinion? Is it really any of our business about their transgressions?

Today I encourage you to let go of the past hurts and realize that people do things that hurt others for many reasons. To say that they are right in their display of judgement lacking skills, would totally be irresponsible. However, when do we remove the "Scarlett Letter" of shame?

I have done my part in hurting others and being hurt due to lack of understanding and immaturity. However, there was a pivotal moment when I realized that letting go of all the hurt was the only way to release myself of the self-deprecating hurt that propelled within me. As I sat and wrote, I began to regain a sense of who I truly am. I was able to let go of the undeserving bitterness and pain.

You must be thinking that "it's easier said than done." Actually, the hard part was staying unforgiving. Once I made up my mind to let go and let God, everything became easy again for me. So do yourself a favor and act on forgiveness.

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