Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Learning to Love Yourself

  1. Begin with a clean slate - Clean your house, your mind, and negative people out of your way. It is so much easier to concentrate and rebuild when you start FRESH.
  2. Establish new daily routines that work for you. If you need alone time to collect your thoughts - establish alone time. Mark it as an appointment in your planner. When you plan, it creates a course for the day. Stick by your appointment with yourself as if it was an important business meeting - after all it is!
  3. List your accomplishments - from birth to today - that make you feel proud. Re-visit this list often. It is never too late to add to your list or build a list. In fact, I will help you number one on your list - I have mastered reading. Now that's awesome!
  4. Write forgiveness letters. The beginning, middle and ending of loving you is with FORGIVENESS. Write a letter to your old-self and any other person who has hurt you in the past. Also write letters of apology to ask for forgiveness if you have ever hurt someone. This should be done whether the person is living or not. Apologize, Forgive and let it go!
  5. Create your own ten commandments. This list will serve as your moral compass.
  6. Create a List of Values. Your values are the things that you value. The first value should be YOU! You can only find true value in anything or anyone else if you value yourself first!
  7. Create your Happiness List (Bucket List). These are a list of things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime. Today is always the right time to start toward happiness.

When you learn to love yourself fully, you will find that life is a BALL!

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